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Poems Guiding Readers to “Listen with Your Heart”

Alvina Y. Platt-Gregory’s rhymes, verses give sage advice for life’s unexpected situations

Life throws a lot of curveballs and in the event of unexpected circumstances and hardships, people need to turn to a source of strength, inspiration and encouragement in order to keep them going. In her case, Alvina Y. Platt-Gregory turned to God and asked Him for advice, which freed her from her burdens. Now she shares her experiences and realizations in the hopes of inspiring her readers and even helping them in their journeys. “Listen with Your Heart” is a collection of her poems that address various life events and situations that muscled their way into her life.

With her poems Platt-Gregory shows her readers how God was the answer to her problems and can be of great help in their lives. Her rhymes and verses convey how his love is never ending and he wishes all would realize this and embrace his presence. She proclaims his love and shows various aspects of it, primarily by demonstrating its relevance in everyday life. Her poems also show the realities faced by people in their daily affairs, such as their interpersonal relationships, the highs and lows in life, and the resilience they exhibit during hardship. It is not only just about challenges and hard times though, since she also shows the joys of life’s simple pleasures and the exuberance of unforgettable and precious moments.

Platt-Gregory is an experienced poet, writing for the International Poetic Society and receiving distinctions including six Editor’s Choice certificates and a Poet of Merit award. Her work balances passion, faith as well as a keen understanding of the poetic craft. Her motto for writing her poetry is: “God quoted and I wrote it.”

“God gives you the desires of your {his) heart. Seek his face and ask him if what you want is what He wants. If the answer is yes, then pursue but make sure it is God’s voice. Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans (Proverbs 16:3 NIV). A delay does not mean a denial.” Platt-Gergory advises her readers.